Dublin pubs

All foodservice venues must be allowed to reopen at the same time - LVA

All hospitality businesses serving food/ alcohol must be treated the same

Call comes in response to suggestions that restaurants and cafes may reopen in ‘early Phase 2’ of Government plan, while pubs stay closed until ‘later phases’ Majority of LVA members have Restaurant Certificates and must be allowed to open All food and alcohol serving hospitality businesses including pubs, restaurants, hotels and cafes should be treated […]

All hospitality businesses serving food/ alcohol must be treated the same Read More »

LVA welcomes Sky decision to suspend Sky Sports charges for pubs

The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA), the representative body for Dublin publicans, has welcomed the decision finally made by Sky to suspend Sky Sports charges for pubs. Sky has confirmed that “from the 14th March we will not be charging” for Sky Sports service “until a live sport schedule returns”. They have also confirmed they will

LVA welcomes Sky decision to suspend Sky Sports charges for pubs Read More »

LVA seeking urgent meetings with banks and insurers

LVA seeking urgent meetings with banks and insurers following pub closures

The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA), the representative body for Dublin publicans, has written to the chief executives of the main banks and insurers seeking an urgent meeting, following the closure of pubs across the country. The LVA is seeking support from the banks and insurers to help publicans keep their business afloat during a period

LVA seeking urgent meetings with banks and insurers following pub closures Read More »

Seal of the Government of Ireland

Government Statement – All pubs asked to close from tonight

Government Statement All pubs asked to close from tonight Government strongly advises against any ‘House Parties’  Following discussions today with the Licenced Vintners Association (LVA) and the Vintners Federation of Ireland (VFI), the Government is now calling on all public houses and bars (including hotel bars) to close from this evening (Sunday 15th March) until

Government Statement – All pubs asked to close from tonight Read More »

Irish Government Buildings

LVA expecting ‘clarity’ for pubs during meeting in Government Buildings

The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA), the representative body for Dublin pubs, expects clarity will be provided on how pubs are to act during the current coronavirus crisis when they attend a meeting in Government Buildings this (Sunday) afternoon. The LVA has been seeking clarity since Thursday, with the current social distancing guidelines being unworkable in

LVA expecting ‘clarity’ for pubs during meeting in Government Buildings Read More »

LVA trading and licensing arrangements

LVA view on proposed changes to Licensing Arrangements and Trading Hours

There has been some discussion in recent times about potential adjustments to licensing arrangements and trading hours. The LVA has strong views on these subjects and our position is outlined as follows. Night-Time Cultural Activity The LVA welcomes the current process underway to assess adding greater diversity to night-time cultural attractions in the nation’s capital.

LVA view on proposed changes to Licensing Arrangements and Trading Hours Read More »

Pub food and calorie counting

LVA criticises Dept of Health calorie consultation

Also opposes mandatory calorie posting  The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA), the representative body for Dublin pubs, has criticised the consultation on mandatory calorie posting on menus recently published by the Department of Health. Although pubs are the 3rd largest out of home food channel*, representing 18% of the market, the Department of Health’s consultation questionnaire does

LVA criticises Dept of Health calorie consultation Read More »

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