LVA publishes Irish Hospitality Industry Manifesto

Government on verge of destroying own plan 3 days after publication – LVA

Government and NPHET practising “pick and mix approach” to national strategy No correlation between HPSC data on outbreaks which show zero open outbreaks in pubs and NPHET advice The Government is on the verge of destroying their own plan only three days after they published it, according to the Licensed Vintners Association (LVA). The LVA were speaking in reaction to media

Government on verge of destroying own plan 3 days after publication – LVA Read More »

Singling out of non food pubs again would completely destroy publican trust in Government

Cabinet must stick to its decision of last Tuesday to re-open all pubs Contradictory messaging from Government and NPHET adding enormously to uncertainty and stress facing publicans If Dublin pubs are not allowed to re-open on 21 September the repeated singling out of non food pubs from other hospitality businesses would completely destroy the trust

Singling out of non food pubs again would completely destroy publican trust in Government Read More »

Government and NPHET driving thousands of pubs into mortgage default

LVA slams ‘package’ of supports announced by Government as a “paltry, token gesture” Pubs closed for 6 months receive same level of aid as Kildare businesses closed for 4 weeks The Government and NPHET’s decision to further delay the reopening of pubs will drive thousands into mortgage default, according to the Licensed Vintners Association (LVA).

Government and NPHET driving thousands of pubs into mortgage default Read More »

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